M-am plans deseori ca un meet&greet cu Steven Tyler si Joe Perry dureaza foarte putin, 30-40 de secunde. Poate ajungi la un minut daca ai noroc. Dar sunt bucuros ca Aerosmith ofera fanilor astfel de oportunitati (pachete Meet&Greet, Guitar Off My Back), fata de alte trupe precum Rolling Stones sau Guns N' Roses, la care nu ai acces. In plus, daca locuiesti in afara SUA, e si mai greu sa ai parte de astfel de pachete - Hollywood Vampires au organizat au vandut marele "Ultimate Meet & Greet Package" numai in SUA in 2016. Asa cum spuneam in alt articol, avand in vedere cat de aleator sunt adunate obiectele care compun pachetul pentru fani, cei de la Epic Rights (adica organizatorul) nici nu mai mentioneaza despre ce e vorba:
Your $1500 Ultimate Meet & Greet Package includes:
- (1) Premium Reserved ticket
- Personal Photo Op with Joe Perry, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper
- Meet & Greet with Joe Perry, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper
- Autographed Hollywood Vampires 8x10
- Opportunity to win a chance to stand side stage for 2 songs during the Hollywood Vampires set
- Exclusive Hollywood Vampires VIP Merchandise
- Commemorative Hollywood Vampires' Meet & Greet Laminate
Dintr-o recenzie a unui fan am aflat ca pachetul contine: swag bag, coaster set, wine opener, candle, guitar pics in a case, bandana, photo frame, 8x10" autographed photo. Cel putin cel pe care l-a primit el pe 3 iulie 2016 la Borgata Event Center, in Atlantic City, NJ.
Dar oare cat dureaza intalnirea cu Joe Perry, Alice Cooper si Johnny Depp? Tot fanul de mai sus ne lamureste:
We entered a room where we got our photo ops with the band. I decided to wear one of my Halestorm t-shirts because they played with Hollywood Vampires at a concert in Rio and I have been friends with the band for years so thought it would be a good conversation piece. When I got up to the band a female fan was still all over Johnny so I made small talk with Alice Cooper and Joe Perry for a minute. Alice commented on my Halestorm t-shirt and mentioned they played with them in Rio, and I told him I had known the band for many years (even pre fame) and he asked me to say hi to Lzzy for him. After this the other girl left and I talked to Johnny. I shook his hand and told him what a big fan of his I was. After this we snapped a great group shot together. As we exited the room they handed us our signed eight by ten photos of the band which looked great.
Din pacate, pentru $1500 de dolari primesti un minut sau doua cu cei trei magnifici, nimic mai mult. Asta in conditiile in care daca-i intalnesti in fata hotelului, cam tot atata iti ofera. E adevarat ca nu sunt mereu disponibili pentru poze si autografe pe strada (cu exceptia lui Alice Cooper, care e mai mereu relaxat), dar experienta "Ultimate", cum o numesc organizatorii, ar trebui sa fie diferita de experienta "Asteptarea moarte n-are", avand in vedere diferenta de pret dintre ele.