Comentarii recente

Carolyn la Gilmore Girls: Unaired Pilot
[2024-04-19 19:29:22]

I just found out that this exists!!! How have I never come across a reference to this is in ALL the years of Gilmore Girling??? I knew Alex was the original Sookie, but I didn't realize they did a whole pilot with her. Not a fan. And I had NO idea there was a different Dean. Jared is so much better! I love the tweaks to the writing that were made: Dean's first interactions with Rory, the added Scene with Sookie while Rory tried on her skirt and Lorelai pinning it. Both of those really play into Rory's dilemma about going to Chilton. The opening song is so strange to hear while watching that familiar first introduction to Lorelai and the town. I do love how some of the scenes seem to be completely unchanged. Now, I want to watch what did air to see all the little things. The facial expressions, the changes in voices, the mannerisms. Thank you for preserving this for all these years!!

pinkISH la Gilmore Girls: Unaired Pilot
[2024-03-03 19:44:15]

Maggie, I'm glad you enjoyed it and that this awesome series still has its fans after all these years. It's a feel-good show without violence, sex, guns or any woke stuff. A true gem.

Maggie la Gilmore Girls: Unaired Pilot
[2024-03-03 00:41:25]

Some of this other town setting were still in the aired episode. I do think they chose a lot better music for the final version. A lot of the shots of Sookie look like they were just copied over too. I think the biggest difference is Dean, I think the aired pilot does a better job of selling the cool new guy thing - especially with him saying that he watches her - that didn’t really happen in this old one. Plus, this Dean doesn’t seem too into Rory, making it make a lot less sense when she doesn’t want to go to chilton anymore. Thanks for posting :)

Bristena la Coloana sonora pentru serialul "Umbre"?
[2024-01-20 14:46:17]

Eu as vrea sa stiu ce melodii se aud cand ajunge Nico acasa si Emilian o asteapta in apartamentul ei.Multumesc!

pinkISH la Coloana sonora pentru serialul "Umbre"?
[2023-12-26 07:55:05]

Salut! Pare fix ca cealalta piesa (final de episod 3x05) si anume compusa special pentru serial, fara sa fie facuta publica in alt context. Astfel de piese fie le obtii de la creatorii lor direct si nu prea vei avea voie sa le pui pe net, fie astepti sa le scoata pe coloana oficiala. Din pacate, MAX retrage serialele de pe platforma in loc sa investeasca in a le face mai populare, desi sansele sunt zero sa apara o varianta oficiala.

Andrei la Coloana sonora pentru serialul "Umbre"?
[2023-12-26 00:58:27]

observ ca topicul asta salveaza vieti :D aveti cumva idee cum se numeste piesa de la finalul episodului 6 din sezonul 3? piesa de la credite, dupa scena cu politia

Monica la "Costume de baie"
[2023-12-01 11:37:35]


Mike la Quiver Films a facut o varza cu noua colectie de filme ale lui Woody Allen
[2023-11-28 04:06:44]

thank you

pinkISH la Maltesers in Romania!
[2023-11-21 10:38:18]

Da! Si au ajuns si in Romania, intr-un final :)

Oana Sîrcă la Maltesers in Romania!
[2023-11-21 09:35:37]

Sunt foarte bune