VH1 40 Least Metal Moments

40 - Alice Cooper makes a CompUSA commercial
39 - Gene Simmons manages Liza Minelli
38 - Avril Lavigne performs "Fuel" at "Metallica Icon"
37 - Adam Curry hosts "Headbangers Ball"
36 - Faith No More's Jim Martin grows pumpkins
35 - Joe Perry hocks hot sauce on Emeril
34 - Bruce Dickinson fencing/writes a novel
33 - Michael Bolton & Kiss team up for "Forever"
32 - Autograph's Steve Plunkett writes "7 Heaven"'s opening theme
31 - Vince Neil stars on "The Surreal Life"
30 - Lemmy writes man-advice for "Jane" magazine
29 - Bon Jovi cuts his hair
28 - Ronnie Keels goes country/becomes Ronnie Lee Keel
27 - Puffy & Page team up for "Come With Me"
26 - Ratt hire Uncle Milty for their videos
25 - Motley Crue hires John Corabi, ditches Vince Neil
24 - Mariah does Def Leppard's "Bringin' On The Hearbreak"
23 - Metal orchestras - Metallica, Scorpions, Deep Purple
22 - Europe
21 - Bon Scott plays the recorder
20 - Kiss goes disco with "I Was Made For Lovin' You"
19 - Kip Winger poses fully clothed in suits for "Playgirl"
18 - Alice Cooper trades in his bad habits for golfing
17 - Tico Torres starts baby clothes line
16 - Ted Nugent forms Damn Yankees
15 - Vanilla Ice goes metal
14 - Ozzy Pepsi commercial
13 - Paul Stanley stars as Phantom of the Opera
12 - Nelson
11 - Extreme's Gary Cherone becomes Van Halen's singer
10 - Michael Bolton early metal career
9 - Kip Winger ballerina
8 - Metallica cut their hair
7 - Sheryl Crow covers "Sweet Child O' Mine"
6 - Jethro Tull wins the first ever Metal Grammy
5 - Pat Boone goes metal for an album of metal classics
4 - "Headbangers Ball" cancelled
3 - Celine Dion covers AC/DC at VH1 "Divas Las Vegas"
2 - Ozzy goes to Washington to meet Bush
1 - Vince Neil leads giant chicken dance

Download VH1 40 Least Metal Moments (tvrip) [805 MB]: Link 1| Link 2

Mii de multumiri lui Dan pentru imboldul dat!

8 comentarii

  1. 11 Oct 2011 la 01:45

    Nu prea ma dau in vant dupa cartile ne-autorizate, dar acum m-ai facut curios si am pus-o pe lista de Craciun :D mersi!

    Ah, si daca tot vrei sa-ti faci spatiu, elibereaza-ti vreo 2 tera si iei de la mine tot ce am ;))

  2. 11 Oct 2011 la 02:45

    Haha, asta e tare... hardu' meu are 100GB :))

  3. 11 Oct 2011 la 10:33

    E timpul pentru upgrade B-)

  4. 11 Oct 2011 la 11:38

    multumesc mult ca ai facut rost de emisiune :D.

  5. 12 Oct 2011 la 18:13

    ce inseamna ce face joe perry ?

  6. 12 Oct 2011 la 21:36

    Si-a lansat un ketchup ;))

  7. 24 Dec 2011 la 09:35

    Ana, am luat cartea recomandata de tine, e absolut bestiala! E facuta din punctul de vedere al fanului, cu super poze. Pe Amazon era 23$ cand mi-am luat-o eu, chiar merita!

    Multam ;)

Blah, blah, blah