Inca astept SubUrbia pe DVD

Pe 10 noiembrie 2006, pe net se scria ca:

''It's scheduled to be released sometime in the future,'' says a Warner video rep. ''We just don't know when.'' Bogosian, who based the script on his own play, can't wait to do a commentary: ''I spent years on that corner. I wrote about my own life.'' And he'd like to do it while the fresh-faced cast is still just that. ''Parker Posey, Nicky Katt, Steve Zahn, Giovanni Ribisi — these people are going to be old before anyone gets to see them in this movie.''


Este vorba de filmul SubUrbia, un film extraordinar de inteligent si amuzant. L-am inchiriat in urma cu multi ani de la Hollywood Music&Film, pe VHS. Nu l-am tras atunci pe comp fiindca era o perioada in care tocmai apareau DVD-urile si am zis ca-l gasesc la o calitate sporita cat de curand. Din pacate, DVD-ul nu a aparut, iar caseta a disparut intre timp. Si nici pe net nu dau de el, iar de-afara, cum n-am PayPal, nu prea are rost sa ma complic...

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