Here's what The Hollywood Vampires played last night at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY:
Raise the Dead (original)
I Got a Line on You (Spirit)
20th Century Boy (T. Rex)
Pinball Wizard (The Who)
My Generation (The Who)
Manic Depression (Jimi Hendrix)
Cold Turkey (John Lennon)
Come Together (The Beatles)
7 and 7 Is (Arthur Lee, Love)
Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin)
Five to One/Break on Through (The Doors)
Rebel Rebel (David Bowie)
Suffragette City (David Bowie)
As Bad As I Am (original)
Stop Messin' Around (Aerosmith)
Dead Drunk Friends (original)
Ace of Spades (Motörhead)
I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper)
Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith)Encore
Train Kept a Rollin' (Aerosmith)
School's Out (Alice Cooper)
Highlights of the show:
- 5 songs into the show, Joe Perry smashed his white guitar and threw pieces of it into the crowd
- Alice Cooper played down Depp's celebrity, calling him "Johnny D from Kentucky"
- the band included bassist Robert DeLeo (Stone Temple Pilots), drummer Matt Sorum (The Cult, Guns N' Roses), guitarist Tommy Henriksen (Alice Cooper) and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Witkin (from Johnny Depp's group The Kids)
Looking forward to their show in Lisbon on Friday!
you can't imagine the noises I made reading that...
din pacate, la Lisabona n-a mai aruncat bucati din chitara in public.
o tipa din SUA pe care am auzit-o vorbind in aeroport spunea ca pentru "guitar smash" ar merita sa fie o taxa suplimentara la bilet
They're here!
da, am vazut pe facebook. problema e ca nu stiu la ce hotel sunt cazati.
si cred ca vor ajunge si la bran, ca doar stau atatea zile...
Da, m-am gandit si eu la asta. Astept o poza care sa dea ceva indicii.
daca aflu hotelul, campez luni pe-acolo
de urmarit statusurile dnei Perry:
E si Ross Halfin cu ei
Am inceput sa ma uit la concertul de la Lisabona.
Nu stiu de ce ramasesem cu impresia ca ziceai ca n-a mai facut praf chitara. De fapt ai zis ca n-a mai aruncat bucatile in public... aha! Asa ca la un moment dat mi-a atras atentia un cablu alb si am inceput sa ma holbez la chitara lui... ce mama dracului e cu chitara aia? Apoi a inceput sa dea cu ea de scena... ah, ok...
da, sunt in grup mare, din pacate nu prea posteaza chestii ca sa vedem pe unde sunt.
in danemarca ai vazut c-au stat cu fanii la hotel, la noi nu stiu ce noroc avem...
Da, am vazut... tocmai de aia...
Au postat asta, dar nu stiu unde e
Si inca cateva
Panoul ala e la intersectia Stirbei cu Luterana:,26.0935385,3a,75y,280.83h,105.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svXI2avWzg5PXTaHYuXHNwQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656