O tanara fecioara, in urma insistentelor unui tanar viguros, cedeaza. Vazand-o putin ingandurata la intoarcerea acasa, mama ei o intreaba ce s-a intamplat.
- Un barbat mi-a furat floarea.
Mama ei o duce la medic care, dupa ce o examineaza, spune:
- Doamna… nu numai ca i-a furat floarea, dar i-a spart si ghiveciul!
The Scarecrow didn't have the brains, Tin Man didn't have the heart, and the Lion didn't have the courage.
So Dorothy remained a virgin.
A recent study says that weight loss dramatically boosts men's sexual health.
So start hitting the gym, ladies.
It's all about perspective. The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.