Google schimba modul in care sunt efectuate cautarile. Acestea vor fi personalizate, prioritare fiind paginile accesate în trecut de utilizatori.
Pentru a pune in practica aceasta initiativa, Google va realiza, pe parcursul a 180 de zile, o arhiva cu privire la activitatea utilizatorilor - cuvintele cheie folosite la cautari si rezultatele pe care le acceseaza. Astfel, site-urile accesate mai des de un utilizator apar acum mai sus în lista afisata de Google.
Total aiurea pentru oricine se afla in spatele unui site si vrea sa stie adevarata pozitie in paginile de cautare.
In trecut beneficiau de acest tip de cautari personalizate doar cei care erau inregistrati pe platforma Google. Serviciul este disponibil acum pentru toti utilizatorii.
Cei care ar putea fi deranjati de noua optiune o pot dezactiva prin accesarea "Web History" (dreapta sus) unde trebuie dat click pe "Disable customizations based on search activity".
Iata si instructiunile detaliate:
Turning off personalisation
Signed-in searches
To disable history-based search customisations while signed in, you'll need to remove Web History from your Google Account. You can also choose to remove individual items. Note that removing this service deletes all your old searches from Web History.Signed-out searches
If you aren't signed in to a Google Account, your search experience will be customised based on past search information linked to a cookie on your browser. To disable history-based customisations, follow these steps:
1. In the top right corner of the search results page, click Web History.
2. On the resulting page, click Disable customisations. Because this preference is stored in a cookie, it will affect anyone else who uses the same browser and computer as you. Or, if you'd rather just delete the current cookie storing searches from your browser and start from scratch, clear your browser's cookies.