Asta e cuvantul: explodat. Pentru ca au crescut foarte mult si pentru ca mi-a explodat capul cand le-am vazut. Imi mai spusese Ana despre costurile astea, dar nu-mi intrasera bine in cap... pana nu le-am vazut pe site-urile de bilete. Sunt multe cuvinte mari in oferta, ca de obicei: exclusive, memorabilia, VIP packages, commemorative, dedicated, VIP host. Niciunul nu inseamna nimic. Niste modele de tricouri care nu se baga in shop, un muzeu mobil care nu e disponibil niciodata in Europa pentru ca nu-l cara peste ocean si alte mici nimicuri. Oare cum se justifica o crestere de apoape 2-3 ori in ultimii 10 ani?
Steven Tyler and Joe Perry Rockin' Vegas Nights VIP Meet & Greet Package
$2,500.00 USD Per Person- Meet & Greet with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
- Individual Photo Opportunity with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
- Autographed Steven Tyler and Joe Perry 8x10
- Exclusive Backstage tour - go behind the scenes of the Aerosmith "Deuces are Wild" show with your Aerosmith VIP Host
- Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit - view memorabilia from throughout the band's historical 50-year career
- Aerosmith "Deuces are Wild" merchandise - exclusive to VIP Packages
- Commemorative Aerosmith "Deuces are Wild" Meet & Greet Laminate
- Dedicated VIP Entrance
- On Site VIP Host
- This package is an upgrade only. Does not include ticket
Joey Kramer, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford Viva Las Vegas VIP Experience
$750.00 USD Per Person- Access to the pre-show Q&A with Joey Kramer, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford – Joey, Tom and Brad share intimate details of what makes the music happen
- Photo Opportunity with Joey Kramer, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford
- Exclusive Backstage tour – go behind the scenes of the Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” show with your Aerosmith VIP Host
- Take a take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout the band’s historical 50-year career
- Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” merchandise – exclusive to VIP Packages
- Commemorative Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” Meet & Greet Laminate
- Dedicated VIP Entrance
- On Site VIP Host
- This package is an upgrade only. Does not include ticket
Aerosmith Backstage Tour and Museum VIP Experience
$275.00 USD Per Person- Exclusive Backstage tour – go behind the scenes of the Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” show with your Aerosmith VIP Host
- Take a take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout the band’s historical 50-year career
- Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” merchandise – exclusive to VIP Packages
- Commemorative Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” VIP Laminate
- Dedicated VIP Entrance
- On Site VIP Host
- This package is an upgrade only. Does not include ticket
The Aerosmith Museum Tour
$49.00 USD Per Person- Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit - view memorabilia from throughout the band's historic 50-year career
- This exhibit is being displayed exclusively at The Park Theater as part of the “Deuces are Wild” residency
- This is a guided tour given by your Aerosmith VIP host
- Tours will begin at 12pm
- You do not need to have a ticket to the show to purchase this package. This package is available to the public
Desi Aerosmith vor prelungi concertele in America pana in februarie si nu prea cred ca vor mai veni si in Europa in 2020, hai sa vedem cum care ar fi costul pentru pachetele VIP ale unui potential turneu european si ce ar fi inclus in pret:
1. Meet&Greet cu Steven si Joe - 2500 EURO
- intalnire (si poza facuta de fotograful trupei) cu Steven si Joe cu durata de 30 de secunde
- o poza cu autograf (semnata anterior, poate chiar de ei!)
- pachet care contine diverse chestii, precum un tricou, o rama foto, un breloc, niste pene etc.
- backstage tour - daca se face(!), in care te plimbi printre chitari, tobe, boxe si vezi lumea cum munceste inainte de concert
2. Meet&Greet cu Joey, Tom si Brad - 750 EURO
- intalnire relaxata cu baietii, discutii libere timp de 15-20 de minute, poate chiar un mic jam daca exista fani care stiu sa cante la instrumente
- autografe la liber si poze facute de fotograful trupei sau de altcineva, cu telefonul tau
- acelasi pachet care contine micile chestii
- backstage tour - daca se face
Nu stiu cat ar costa un pachet numai cu backstage tour, probabil 250-300 de euro, si nu stiu daca se mai fac in Europa. La costurile de mai sus se adauga si pretul biletului, dar si transport si cazare daca trupa nu vine in Romania. Asa ca mai trebuie 150 de euro pentru bilet, 150 de euro pentru transport, 150 de euro pentru cazare si 150 de euro pentru mancare, ca sa fie toate rotunde. Desigur, nu le-am calculat la minimum, ci am facut o medie. Concluzia? Daca vrei pachetul complet si ai ghinionul ca trupa sa ocoleasca Romania, costul total e de 3850 de euro. Caaam mult, nu?