Aerosmith pune in vanzare pachete VIP la concertele din Europa!

P-asta n-o mai credeam posibila! Aerosmith fac, dupa 7 ani, din nou Meet&Greet cu fanii in Europa. Sa fie-ntr-un ceas bun!

Pachetele sunt la fel de scumpe si presupun ca vin cu aceeasi conditie: sa fie minimum 5-6 persoane. Asa ca ma gandesc ca pachetele cu Joey sau Brad&Tom nu vor avea asa mare succes in Europa, din pacate. Iar managementul (doamna manager, mai precis) nu are viziunea de a face un pachet cu toti membrii, cum au facut mai demult in SUA. Si iar e pus fanul de rand sa aleaga, si ghici ce va alege...

Pentru ca pretul variaza, iata costurile din SUA si cele din Danemarca:

Pachet Steven+Joe

"Don’t Want to Miss a Thing" Meet n Greet with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry

The Package includes:
· One Golden Circle standing ticket or one Premium seat in section 102/103
· Photo Op with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
· Autographed Steven Tyler and Joe Perry 8x10
· Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout their historical 40-year career
· Exclusive Aerosmith 2017 picture frame
· Aerosmith Tour Merchandise Item
· Commemorative Aerosmith Tour Laminate

Pret SUA: 1250 USD
Pret Danemarca: 1156 EURO

Pachet Joey

"Joey Kramer’s Rockin and Roastin" Ultimate VIP Experience

The Package includes:
· One Golden Circle standing ticket or a Premium seat in section 102/103
· Coffee talk and Q&A with Joey
· Personal Photo Op with Joey
· Ever dream of watching Aerosmith from the stage? Now is your chance. Joey will pick winners to join him for a meet n greet, VIP side stage access AND the opportunity to check out the view from the best seat in the house, Joey’s drum kit! A once in a lifetime opportunity to watch the KRAMEDOG up close & personal
· Autograph bag of Joey’s signature coffee, Rockin & Roastin.
· Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout their historical 40-year career
· Exclusive Aerosmith 2017 picture frame
· Aerosmith Tour Merchandise Item
· Commemorative Aerosmith Tour Laminate

Pret SUA: 300 USD
Pret Danemarca: 431 EURO

Pachet Brad+Tom

"Live from the Tuning Room" with Brad Whitford and Tom Hamilton

The Package includes:
· One Golden Circle ticket or a Premium seat in section 102/103
· Brad and Tom Q&A; sharing imitate details of what makes the music happen and all things Aerosmith
· Personal Photo op with Brad and Tom
· Do you want to play with the band? This is your once in a lifetime chance. You will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing to join the Aerosmith axmen for a jam session #INTHETUNINGROOM. Guitars, bass, and percussion will be on hand for you to use!
· Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit - view memorabilia from throughout their historical 40-year career
· Opportunity to win VIP side stage access during the Aerosmith set
· Exclusive Aerosmith picture frame
· Aerosmith Tour Merchandise Item
· Commemorative Aerosmith Tour Laminate

Pret SUA: 300 USD
Pret Danemarca: 431 EURO

LATER EDIT: la doua zile de la punerea in vanzare a pachetelor VIP, pachetul cu Joey a fost scos, cel mai probabil pentru ca n-are rost sa-si promoveze cafeaua in Europa, mai ales ca nici nu livreaza in afara SUA!

4 comentarii

  1. 21 Nov 2016 la 22:48

    Stii ce ma roade acum? Obama n-a platit pentru M&G! Si a durat mai mult de 30 de secunde! Si ma gandesc ce sanse as avea sa ajung... nu Obama, dar, stii, in "liga" aia... desi, daca as fi acolo, partea financiara n-ar mai fi o problema...

  2. 22 Nov 2016 la 00:29

    Drumul catre celebritatea internationala e prea lung, mai repede pui ban pe ban :))

  3. 23 Nov 2016 la 20:31

    Ban pe ban pun de ani buni pentru ca se pare ca asta e tot ce pot sa fac. Dar nu ajung nicaieri, in ciuda faptului ca in unele luni am pus deoparte si 90% din cat am facut. De-aia e al dracului de frustrant, ca nu intra suficient ca sa se adune pana la un anumit nivel, nu ca nu as sti sa tin eu de ei. :|

  4. 24 Nov 2016 la 02:05

    eu am spart foarte multi bani pe ebay, in ultima vreme m-am mai potolit, dar mi-am cumparat tot felul de boxset-uri si single-uri... doar aerosmith, desigur :))

    bine ca m-am oprit la timp, ca nu aveam pentru la anu'!

Blah, blah, blah