P-asta n-o mai credeam posibila! Aerosmith fac, dupa 7 ani, din nou Meet&Greet cu fanii in Europa. Sa fie-ntr-un ceas bun!
Pachetele sunt la fel de scumpe si presupun ca vin cu aceeasi conditie: sa fie minimum 5-6 persoane. Asa ca ma gandesc ca pachetele cu Joey sau Brad&Tom nu vor avea asa mare succes in Europa, din pacate. Iar managementul (doamna manager, mai precis) nu are viziunea de a face un pachet cu toti membrii, cum au facut mai demult in SUA. Si iar e pus fanul de rand sa aleaga, si ghici ce va alege...
Pentru ca pretul variaza, iata costurile din SUA si cele din Danemarca:
Pachet Steven+Joe
"Don’t Want to Miss a Thing" Meet n Greet with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
The Package includes:
· One Golden Circle standing ticket or one Premium seat in section 102/103
· Photo Op with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
· Autographed Steven Tyler and Joe Perry 8x10
· Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout their historical 40-year career
· Exclusive Aerosmith 2017 picture frame
· Aerosmith Tour Merchandise Item
· Commemorative Aerosmith Tour LaminatePret SUA: 1250 USD
Pret Danemarca: 1156 EURO
Pachet Joey
"Joey Kramer’s Rockin and Roastin" Ultimate VIP Experience
The Package includes:
· One Golden Circle standing ticket or a Premium seat in section 102/103
· Coffee talk and Q&A with Joey
· Personal Photo Op with Joey
· Ever dream of watching Aerosmith from the stage? Now is your chance. Joey will pick winners to join him for a meet n greet, VIP side stage access AND the opportunity to check out the view from the best seat in the house, Joey’s drum kit! A once in a lifetime opportunity to watch the KRAMEDOG up close & personal
· Autograph bag of Joey’s signature coffee, Rockin & Roastin.
· Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout their historical 40-year career
· Exclusive Aerosmith 2017 picture frame
· Aerosmith Tour Merchandise Item
· Commemorative Aerosmith Tour LaminatePret SUA: 300 USD
Pret Danemarca: 431 EURO
Pachet Brad+Tom
"Live from the Tuning Room" with Brad Whitford and Tom Hamilton
The Package includes:
· One Golden Circle ticket or a Premium seat in section 102/103
· Brad and Tom Q&A; sharing imitate details of what makes the music happen and all things Aerosmith
· Personal Photo op with Brad and Tom
· Do you want to play with the band? This is your once in a lifetime chance. You will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing to join the Aerosmith axmen for a jam session #INTHETUNINGROOM. Guitars, bass, and percussion will be on hand for you to use!
· Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit - view memorabilia from throughout their historical 40-year career
· Opportunity to win VIP side stage access during the Aerosmith set
· Exclusive Aerosmith picture frame
· Aerosmith Tour Merchandise Item
· Commemorative Aerosmith Tour LaminatePret SUA: 300 USD
Pret Danemarca: 431 EURO
LATER EDIT: la doua zile de la punerea in vanzare a pachetelor VIP, pachetul cu Joey a fost scos, cel mai probabil pentru ca n-are rost sa-si promoveze cafeaua in Europa, mai ales ca nici nu livreaza in afara SUA!
Stii ce ma roade acum? Obama n-a platit pentru M&G! Si a durat mai mult de 30 de secunde! Si ma gandesc ce sanse as avea sa ajung... nu Obama, dar, stii, in "liga" aia... desi, daca as fi acolo, partea financiara n-ar mai fi o problema...
Drumul catre celebritatea internationala e prea lung, mai repede pui ban pe ban
Ban pe ban pun de ani buni pentru ca se pare ca asta e tot ce pot sa fac. Dar nu ajung nicaieri, in ciuda faptului ca in unele luni am pus deoparte si 90% din cat am facut. De-aia e al dracului de frustrant, ca nu intra suficient ca sa se adune pana la un anumit nivel, nu ca nu as sti sa tin eu de ei.
eu am spart foarte multi bani pe ebay, in ultima vreme m-am mai potolit, dar mi-am cumparat tot felul de boxset-uri si single-uri... doar aerosmith, desigur
bine ca m-am oprit la timp, ca nu aveam pentru la anu'!