Aerosmith au mai adaugat un concert in turneul european 2017

La finalul listei de concerte europene programate pentru 2017 s-a adaugat o noua destinatie in Spania:

July 8 - Estadio Heliodoro Rodriguez Lopez - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Biletele s-au pus in vanzare cu mentiunea: NO VIP AVAILABLE FOR THIS SHOW. De ce fara VIP? Numai managementul poate sti.

3 comentarii

  1. 10 Jan 2017 la 16:15

    Poate "stii"?

  2. 10 Jan 2017 la 22:52

    Poate am vrut sa scriu "Numai managementul poate, stii." :))

    De fapt... eram obosit :D

  3. 13 Jan 2017 la 21:14

    Say Goodbye To Panic Attack With These Tips

    Did you know that people with higher than normal intelligence are prone to panic attacks? If you experience these attacks, hopefully this knowledge along with the other helpful tips in this article will assist you with finding peace of mind in trying to deal with your situation.

Blah, blah, blah