Opriti-l pe avorTurcu!

E foarte bine ca Dinamo nu ia campionatul. E foarte prost ca nu se retrage nimeni din conducere. Nu ii mai suport. De ce? Pai, exemplu:

Alex Ferguson: The most important man at Manchester United is the manager - the minute that ever changed, it would mean massive freefall in the club. You can never allow players to run the club, you can never allow the supporters to run it - although they all have a massive part to play. Someone must run it, someone has to be in charge, and the manager is the best man and he has always got to be supported.

avorTurcu: Trebuie sa ne consultam si cu fanii pe viitor pe cine vom da afara si pe cine vom aduce la Dinamo.

Mai e ceva de zis?

Blah, blah, blah