We're screwed

WARNING: If you haven't watched episode "Bloodline" (4x13) of Criminal Minds, then don't read any further. This text contains spoilers.

Romanian = Romani = gypsies

Invaders of Europe and now the US, Romanian gypsies have caused lots of problems over time. I'm not racist and now is not the time to change that. But "Bloodline", an episode from the fourth series of Criminal Minds, made me sick.

When I went to France back in 2003, I met a french girl that I had been talking online with for 4 years. When I went to meet her mother, she was suprised my skin wasn't darker. She didn't say that to my face, but that really doesn't matter.

I have an idea of how Romanian people are perceived as gypsies all over Europe, but seeing this in an episode of an american show made me realise there is no point in fighting it: it's gone global. India has Bollywood and hard working people that offer interesting opportunities for companies wanting cheap labor, while Romania is a source for thieves and killers.

Fuck you, Ceausescu! Fuck you, Iliescu! Fuck you all, TOP 300!

5 comentarii

  1. 24 Jan 2009 la 11:33

    haha, ma asteptam la o reactie.

    Episodul e misto, e interesanta povestea, dar e aiurea faza cu "Puiule". E trasa de par, tiganii nu vorbesc in romana, vorbesc in tiganeasca. Si puiule in mod sigur nu intra in vocabularul lor. Plus de asta, tiganii din ro nu tin asa mult la traditii de genul asta.

    Oricum, in filme mereu vor fi exagerate lucrurile. Ce, chiar crezi ca in India nu exista si o clasa de mijloc ok, ca peste tot in lume, ci doar saracia aia extrema si bogatia exagerata din Slumdog?

  2. 24 Jan 2009 la 16:51

    nu stiu ce sa cred. probabil n-o sa ajung niciodata in India. si, cum nu mai cred nimic decat dupa ce vad cu ochii mei, nu stiu ce sa zic...

    iata cum suna titrarea in engleza:

    i love you, puyule.
    nu le spunelor despre furititai.


  3. 24 Jan 2009 la 19:04

    eu am dat de zece ori inapoi sa inteleg ce spune aia. "nu le spune despre" si aici nu am inteles. fratii tai. puteau sa mai exerseze putin.

  4. 25 Jan 2009 la 00:37

    am inteles dintr-a doua sau a treia, banuiam ca trebe sa fie despre satra.

  5. 1 Apr 2011 la 22:31

    i singurul lucru pe care nu am înţeles a fost furititai, dar cei mai mulţi oameni spun ca este la fel ca furtul pentru Romani.

Blah, blah, blah