Smile because it happened

A nine year old girl has disappeared after using moisturiser that makes you look ten years younger.


Police say their investigation into the shooting at the YouTube headquarters has been hampered by having to sit through a 5 second advert before interviewing each witness.


Every third chick's Tinder profile specifies a height, beneath which she's not interested.
My Tinder profile specifies a weight, ABOVE which I'M not interested.
Weight can be changed. Height cannot.
And yet, somehow, I’m the arsehole? Or is that not how equality works?


My girlfriend is off out to buy a dominatrix outfit on Saturday.

Although she prefers to call it a wedding dress.


Me and my mate where having a few drinks last night telling each other our best chat up lines.

Some of his were so good, I ended up back at his place.


Neil Armstrong lands on the moon: 5 pictures.

Girl goes to Starbucks: 47 pictures.


The toothbrush was invented in Norfolk.

Anywhere else, it would've been called a teethbrush.


What does a Man City fan do, straight after beating Barcelona in the Champions League final?

Turns off his Playstation & jumps back into bed with his sister.


I have blue eyes. I got them from my dad.

My mum has black eyes. She also got them from my dad.

Blah, blah, blah