The Sun a scris despre interviul Shakirei la emisiunea This Morning mergand pe interesul consumatorilor pentru sex:
Cheeky Peter Andre asked pop star Shakira about her breasts when he interviewed her. The single dad was chatting to the Columbian beauty for ITV1's This Morning when he went in for the killer question.
Talking about Shakira's hit single Whenever, Wherever, where she sings about humble breasts, cheeky Pete asked her: "I've never seen humble breasts, I've never heard of what a humble breast is. Tell me about it."
Din pacate, asta se cere. Numai ca interviul evidentiaza simtul umorului Shakirei si sinceritatea ei, nu chestii tabloide. Concluzia e simpla: bine ca n-au montat filmarea cei de la The Sun, ca jumate din interviu era despre sani.
Pentru cei din afara UK, iata interviul postat pe site-ul ITV: