Nici acum, la atatea zile dupa iesirea Portugaliei de la EURO, nu exista certitudini legate de Cristiano Ronaldo. Povestea a devenit plictisitoare, insa deznodamantul e aproape. Ieri, intr-un interviu, Ferguson a fost intrebat ce se intampla cu Ronaldo. Raspunsul sau a fost unul sec, "I'm not interested, I'm not going to talk about that". Daca asta lasa loc de interpretari, urmatoarele fraze sunt destul de clare: "There are some young players who in periods last season did very well and in periods showed their youthfulness by being inconsistent. I think they will have come on a bundle after winning the league and European Cup; that can only help us. Players like Anderson, Nani, Rooney, Ronaldo, they will emerge from that without doubt and become top players for us."
Ce-o fi o fi. Noi sa fim sanatosi.