Oamenii nevazuti din industria muzicala: Randy Staub, un exceptional inginer de sunet

Inginerul de sunet este un soldat din armata care sta in spatele unui artist sau unei trupe. Indiferent de talentul exprimat in compozitia unei piese, in linia melodica, in versuri, un factor extrem de important este partea tehnica: mixatul si masterizarea.

La numele lui Randy Staub am ajuns citind informatii despre una din piesele mele favorite, "Rockstar" de la Nickelback. In portofoliul sau sunt piese si albume de la artisti precum Metallica, Bon Jovi, U2, Monster Magnet, David Bowie si multi altii. Intinsa pe aproape 40 de ani, cariera lui Randy Staub e fabuloasa.

Pe masura ce trec anii si muzica noua si de calitate e din ce in ce mai putina, ma intorc la albumele favorite si descopar fine print-ul, informatiile din carticica CD-urilor sau de pe paginile de Wikipedia. Sunt atat de multi oameni care contribuie la conceperea melodiilor care ne-au marcat existenta, oameni despre care nu stim nimic.

Efortul de a lucra cu astfel de trupe imense din istoria rock-ului este aproape inuman. Intr-un interviu pentru Metal Hammer, Bob Rock, cunoscutul producator si inginer de sunet (care a produs si albumul "Permanent Vacation" al trupei Aerosmith), a relatat cat de dificil este sa lucrezi cu trupele mari.Spre exemplu, in cazul faimosului Black Album:

"Making an album can be an intense experience. You’re thrown into a room with other strong-willed, creative people for months and months and you have to find a way to listen to each other and make it work. I never said, ‘No, you’re wrong.’ I just showed them other ways to potentially get what they wanted. It’s well known that by the end, both Randy Staub and I said we didn’t want to work with them again. But that’s because we were so beat. Eight months in that environment would test anyone. But some of the best work comes out of tension: with all the great bands… Jagger and Richards in the Stones, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry in Aerosmith… there’s friction. It’d be kinda boring if everyone did everything you suggested!”

'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat...

Blah, blah, blah