Numai in America

Povestea e din 2008.

O tipa s-a dus sa vada "Sex and the City" (primul film) si microfonul a aparut in cadru de vreo 20 de ori. La finalul filmului s-a dus sa ceara banii inapoi de la managerul cinematografului si i-a primit.

Ma intreb, oare, daca in Romania nu i s-ar fi spus: "Ce, domnita, l-am filmat io?".

Mai jos, explicatia tehnica:

I am a projectionist at an independent movie theatre that picked up Sex and the City for a 2-week run. Let me just say, that the Sex and the City 35mm print has been a complete pain to deal with. It is known as a “full frame flat” movie, meaning that there are no black bars on the bottom or top of the frames to hide the boom mics. When you receive a film like this, it is up to the projectionist to make sure that the film is perfectly in frame, otherwise the audience will see boom mics. While seeing mics on the screen is completely the projectionist’s fault, this print is just impossible. The problem is that the tops of the characters heads wind up being so close to the boom mics at the top of the screen, that oftentimes the very tops of their heads are cut off in order to keep all the mics from appearing on screen. Additionally, there is a terrible reel change at reel 3, where the frame is completely black except for a tiny sliver of light. There is absolutely no way of knowing how to correctly splice that frame to the end of reel 2 without having first seen the film with a keen eye watching for that spot. Let me say, that these are all technically projectionist errors, but the studio seemed to make it as difficult as possible to screen the film perfectly. Never have I experienced such inconvenience with a print.

Blah, blah, blah