Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' Movie

Michael Jackson's This Is It is a 2009 American concert film documenting Michael Jackson's rehearsals of the concert series of the same name, both on stage and behind the scenes. The film will comprise of Jackson mentoring his team for the 50 shows, as well as him creating, developing and ultimately staging the high-tech performances. The footage was filmed at The Forum and the Staples Center in Los Angeles. It is set for worldwide theatrical release on October 28, 2009 with a limited two-week run. Tickets go on sale a month early, on September 27, 2009 to satisfy a high anticipated demand.

Sony paid $60 million for the film rights.

The film will contain behind the scenes footage of Jackson backstage, on stage and directing his team as he created his fifty shows. It will also contain interviews with friends of Jackson and 3D sequences originally filmed as part of the concert performance. Candid and private scenes involving Jackson and his crew have been confirmed. The DVD/Blu-ray release will contain the theatrical version in its entirety and a second DVD/Blu-ray disc containing over 2 hours of Jackson performing, warming up his vocals and performing in full costume. A CD soundtrack will be released after the movie to coincide with the DVD/Blu-ray release and will contain a new song recorded in the last two years of Jackson's life. 

I have mixed feelings about this...

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7 comentarii

  1. 15 Sep 2009 la 10:19

    da, adica in film vei vedea scenele in care faceau repetitii vreo 5-10 minute si apoi cei prezenti pe scena vor vorbi despre el.

  2. 15 Sep 2009 la 13:54

    ceva de genul. oricum, am o strangere de inima - vreau sa vad si nu vreau sa vad imaginile, nu stiu cum sa zic...

  3. 15 Sep 2009 la 17:49

    oh. is that it? :d

  4. 15 Sep 2009 la 19:23

    Laura, ai dreptate. Nu am apucat sa ma uit inca la VMA 2009.

  5. 16 Sep 2009 la 07:00

    Eu chiar vreau sa-l vad. Si daca e o chestie trasa de par facuta doar pt bani, macar sa-i injur in cunostinta de cauza :D

  6. 16 Sep 2009 la 12:56

    da, pana la urma si eu cred c-o sa-l vad.

Blah, blah, blah