Joe Perry's guitar at Hard Rock Cafe London

This guitar is located in the Green Room (staff room in the downstairs museum) of the London Hard Rock Cafe. I was fortunate enough to have a staff member take this photo for me:

joe perry guitar

There's a picture of Aerosmith in the museum and also one of Steven Tyler by the main entrance to the shop:

aerosmith hard rock cafe london

steven tyler hrc london

4 comentarii

  1. 28 Jun 2012 la 22:47

    Any idea when were those pictures taken? First one is from the last decade (~2007?), second one is much older...

  2. 28 Jun 2012 la 23:06

    Sa zicem 2007 si 1992? E la "ghici" :D

  3. 28 Jun 2012 la 23:43

    Eu am zis 2007 dupa... par :)) Steven parca a tot avut parul ceva mai scurt in anii dinainte :-? Plus ca in poza asta pe Joe nu-l pocnise inca mania look-ului a la Cruella de Vil...

  4. 29 Jun 2012 la 00:11


    da, si Whitford avea mai mult par :D

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