Pe 29 noiembrie a fost postata pe Soundcloud piesa "Aye, Aye, Aye" de pe noul album al lui Joe Perry, "Sweetzerland Manifesto", care va fi lansat pe 19 ianuarie. Piesa suna excelent si imi place foarte mult, desi n-am ascultat-o decat de vreo 10-15 ori
"Being friends and fans of each other for 40 years - Robin and I had always talked about writing together," Perry told Rolling Stone magazine of the song's origins. "I was in L.A. working on my newest solo record and Robin was in town with Cheap Trick and called me with an idea for a song. He sang the chorus over the phone which was all he had at the time. I dug it and said, 'Hell yeah, come on up.' This song turned out to be one of two tracks on the album I hadn't written the music for before. Robin came up to Sweetzerland and six hours later 'Aye, Aye, Aye' was born. The song moved along as fast as a ride on a Japanese bullet train. In fact, we were able to track it live that night."
Ascultati si voi piesa mai jos. Rock clasic, blues si un refren fredonabil - absolut superb!