Guns N' Roses se dezic de piesa "One In A Million"

Super mega boxset-ul deluxe anuntat acum cateva zile de Guns N' Roses ascunde un mic secret: piesa "One In A Million" lipseste de pe varianta remastered a albumului "G N’ R Lies" din 1988. Cantecul, compus cap-coada de Axl Rose, are versuri care pot fi considerate rasiste, homofobe si incitante la ura. Iata o mostra care reflecta tonul piesei:

Police and niggers, get out of my way
Don't need to buy none of your gold chains today
Don't need no bracelets clamped in front of my back

Immigrants and faggots, they make no sense to me
They come to our country and think they'll do as they please
Like start some mini Iran or spread some fucking disease
They talk so many God damn ways, it's all Greek to me

Radicals and racists, don't point your finger at me
I'm a small town white boy, just trying to make ends meet
Don't need your religion, don't watch that much TV
Just making my living, that's enough for me

Niciodata nu e usor sa iesi pe piata cu piese controversate, ele te pot urca foarte rapid, dar iti dau si la cap daca se schimba valul. Cel mai bun exemplu e cariera lui Marilyn Manson, care a inceput sa urce la mijlocul anilor '90, dar s-a stins 10 ani mai tarziu, cand lumea a trecut la un alt fel de comportament. Si cum America da tonul la toate aceste schimbari, e greu sa fii pe val mult timp cu lucruri controversate.

Imi pare rau ca cei de la Guns au decis sa nu-si mai asume piesa asta care nu e foarte buna, dar nici foarte slaba. E o compozitie pe doua corzi de chitara a lui Axl, care a scris si versurile. Zvonurile spun ca ceilalti membri ai trupei n-au fost complet de acord cu piesa asta, dar daca a ajuns pe album in '88, nu pricep de ce a fost scoasa 30 de ani mai tarziu. Nu cred ca exista vreun mare fan Guns care sa nu stie piesa, deci e deja acceptata. Pachetul de 1000 de dolari care trebuia sa includa si piesa "One In A Million" nu va fi primul album Guns N' Roses cumparat de cineva, asta e sigur. Nu o va descoperi nimeni in 2018, ca apoi sa sara de fund in sus, ofensat. Asa ca price din ce motive "One In A Million" nu e cantata live, dar omiterea ei din acest pachet de colectie nu are sens.

5 comentarii

  1. 29 Oct 2018 la 14:51

    Daca si niste ZEI ca GNR, care nu mai au nevoie de bani, public etc , DIMPOTRIVA, au ajuns sa stea capra in fata poponarilor si negrilor, atunci ma pis pe starurile rock murit toate!
    Macar la Axl nu ma asteptam sa fie asa sclav.....noul album a lui Slash e la fel de banal ca si precedentul.Nu inteleg de ce nu schimba vocalul, compozitorul, e clar ca s-a plafonat.In afar de primul album, restul sunt de nota 5.

  2. 11 Mar 2019 la 00:12

    Nu am inteles exact ce album al lui Slash iti place si care sunt cele care nu-ti plac. Si nici chestia cu gay-ii si cu negrii. Lasa putin rasismul la o parte si hai sa vorbim de muzica.

  3. 6 Jun 2019 la 23:55

    Mersi frumos, Ana. O sa las aici parte din interviu pentru posteritate. Si acum o sa ascult din nou piesa. O fi Axl destept, dar si mai destept esti atunci cand mesajul tau ajunge la oameni, nu cand tre' sa-l explici.

    Duff McKagan defends Rose when the subject of "One in a Million" comes up. In the song, which closed out the group's Lies EP, the singer rails against police, African Americans, immigrants, gays and Middle Easterners, using slurs and dismissive language. When the band reissued their Appetite for Destruction album last year and included the Lies tracks on it, "One in a Million" didn't make the cut. McKagan insists the song was misinterpreted, but his head is still spinning from the fallout associated with that song.

    "We got kicked off an AIDS benefit," he recalls. "I remember taking a plane and an African American flight attendant sees the seat next to me was open, so she sat down. ‘Are you with Guns N' Roses? Are you really racist about black people?' And then there's what Slash [who is biracial] went through, and part of my family is African American. I had to explain it to them.

    "One thing about Axl is if you're going to try to compete with him intellectually, you've lost, because he's a super smart guy," he continues. "He's a super sensitive dude who does his studies. When we did that song, I was still drinking but he was way ahead of us with his vision of, ‘Something's gotta be said.' That was the most hardcore way to say it. So flash-forward to now. So many people have misinterpreted that song that song that we [removed it]. … Nobody got it."

  4. 7 Jun 2019 la 00:24

    Pe explicatiile clarifica tot. Axl o da cotita in strofa a treia, dar situatia e cam clara. Mai ales ca am citit ca Slash s-a opus acestor versuri, el fiind jumate negru. Numai ca Slash nu e alpha si a cedat in fata maretului autor neinteles.

    Strofele cu probleme:

    Police and niggers, that's right, get out of my way
    Don't need to buy none of your gold chains today
    Now, don't need no bracelets clamped in front of my back
    Just need my ticket, 'til then, won't you cut me some slack

    Immigrants and faggots, they make no sense to me
    They come to our country and think they'll do as they please
    Like start some mini Iran or spread some fucking disease
    They talk so many God damn ways, it's all Greek to me

    Radicals and racists, don't point your finger at me
    I'm a small town white boy just trying to make ends meet
    Don't need your religion, don't watch that much TV
    Just making my living, baby, well, that's enough for me

    Desi zice el in strofa 3 ca radicalistii si rasistii sa nu-l considere si pe el la fel, totusi... Practic, daca nu generalizezi, reiese ca Axl ii uraste numai pe gay-ii, negrii, politistii si imigrantii cu care a avut altercatii, nicidecum pe toti :)) E pe fata.

    Pe Genius sunt cateva lucruri care pun povestea in context:

    1. Axl himself had this to say: "I used words like 'police and niggers' because you're not allowed to use the word 'nigger'. Why can black people go up to each other and say, "Nigger," but when a white guy does it all of a sudden it's a big put-down? I don't like boundaries of any kind. I don't like being told what I can and what I can't say. I used the word 'nigger' because it's a word to describe somebody that is basically a pain in your life, a problem. The word 'nigger' doesn't necessarily mean black. Doesn't John Lennon have a song 'Woman Is the Nigger of the World'? There's a rap group, N.W.A., Niggers With Attitude. I mean, they're proud of that word. More power to them.

    2. "Bracelets clamped in front of my back" refers to police putting you in handcuffs when you’re arrested. Axl has gotten in trouble with the law many times, particularly back in Indiana.

    3. Axl said: "I've had some very bad experiences with homosexuals. When I was first coming to Los Angeles, I was about eighteen or nineteen. On my first hitchhiking ride, this guy told me I could crash at his hotel. I went to sleep and woke up while this guy was trying to rape me … That's why I have the attitude I have."

    4. On the "immigrants" line, Axl said: "When I use the word "immigrants", what I'm talking about is going to a 7-11 or Village Pantries – a lot of people from countries like Iran, Pakistan, China, Japan, et cetera, get jobs in these convenience stores and gas stations. Then they treat you like you don't belong here. I've been chased out of a store with Slash by a six-foot-tall Iranian with a butcher knife because he didn't like the way we were dressed. Scared me to death. All I could see in my mind was a picture of my arm on the ground, blood going everywhere. When I get scared, I get mad."

    Practic, Axl i-a dat in mortii lor aproape pe toti, dar in nici un caz pe Slash sau vreun gay sau vreun politist, pe principiul "persoanele de fata se exclud" :))

Blah, blah, blah