
I don't know what women keep bragging about being able to multi-task for.

What's so great about doing three things wrong at the same time?


I was trying to watch TV last night, but my kid kept asking for a glass of water.
After the seventh glass, I lost my temper and shouted at him, "Go to sleep, I'm watching the fucking telly."
"But dad," he shouted, "my room's still on fire."


Last christmas I got some toy soldiers,
To play with when I'm in bed,
But I got bored with my seargents and majors,
So I played with my privates instead.


My girlfriend told me yesterday, "You only ever hear what you want to hear!"

"Thank you," I replied. "I have been working out."


A very common male fantasy is to have two women at the same time.

One to cook, one to clean.


My wife told me to make love like in the movies.

So I stuck it in her arse and came on her face. She got mad with me.

I guess we don't watch the same movies!

Blah, blah, blah