Epic Rights au crescut preturile pentru Meet&Greet cu Aerosmith

Luna trecuta, Ana mi-a dat vestea despre cresterile semnificative de preturi la meet&greet-uri organizate de Epic Rights. Mi s-a urcat sangele la cap ca de 10 ani de zile tot cresc preturile, din 3 in 3 ani. Se pare ca afacere e de succes sau cel putin asa reiese dintr-o stire gasita tot de Ana:

Bravado – the consumer, lifestyle and brand management division of Universal Music Group – has acquired Epic Rights. Epic Rights’ rosters includes such big names as KISS, Billy Joel, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Madonna, Britney Spears, AC/DC and the Woodstock Festival to name just a few.

Estimez ca in 2020 vor fi pachete de 2000-2500 de euro pentru Steven&Joe si 7-800 de euro pentru Tom, Brad si Joey, ceea ce inseamna dublu fata de cele din 2010.

Poate de-aia M&G-urile nu sunt sold out...

Intre timp, la Hollywood Vampires au scazut preturile pentru mini-turneul american. Daca in anii trecut pachetul VIP era 1500 de dolari, iata ca acum e cu vreo 10% mai putin:

All VIP packages are NON-TRANSFERABLE; NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances.
Does not include a ticket to the show – must have a ticket to attend

Ultimate Meet & Greet Package
$1,375.00 Per Package

- Personal Photo Op with Joe Perry, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper
- Meet & Greet with Joe Perry, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper
- Autographed Hollywood Vampires 8x10
- Opportunity to win a chance to stand side stage for 2 songs during the Hollywood Vampires set
- Exclusive Hollywood Vampires VIP Merchandise
- Commemorative Hollywood Vampires's Meet & Greet Laminate

Probabil prin octombrie-noiembrie se vor anunta concertele Aerosmith din 2020 si vom afla atunci valoarea cadoului de Craciun :) Pana atunci, mai exista speranta, avand in vedere ca pachetele au costuri diferite in functie de factori cunoscuti numai de Epic Rights:

All VIP packages are NON-TRANSFERABLE; NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances.

Steven Tyler and Joe Perry Rockin' Vegas Nights VIP Meet & Greet Package
$2,500.00 USD Per Person

- Meet & Greet with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
- Individual Photo Opportunity with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
- Autographed Steven Tyler and Joe Perry 8x10
- Exclusive Backstage tour - go behind the scenes of the Aerosmith "Deuces are Wild" show with your Aerosmith VIP Host
- Take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit - view memorabilia from throughout the band's historical 40-year career
- Aerosmith "Deuces are Wild" merchandise - exclusive to VIP Packages
- Commemorative Aerosmith "Deuces are Wild" Meet & Greet Laminate
- Dedicated VIP Entrance
- On Site VIP Host
- This package is an upgrade only. Does not include ticket

Joey Kramer, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford Viva Las Vegas VIP Experience
$750.00 USD Per Person

- Access to the pre-show Q&A with Joey Kramer, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford – Joey, Tom and Brad share intimate details of what makes the music happen
- Photo Opportunity with Joey Kramer, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford
- Exclusive Backstage tour – go behind the scenes of the Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” show with your Aerosmith VIP Host
- Take a take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout the band’s historical 40-year career
- Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” merchandise – exclusive to VIP Packages
- Commemorative Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” Meet & Greet Laminate
- Dedicated VIP Entrance
- On Site VIP Host
- This package is an upgrade only. Does not include ticket

Aerosmith Backstage Tour and Museum VIP Experience
$275.00 USD Per Person

- Exclusive Backstage tour – go behind the scenes of the Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” show with your Aerosmith VIP Host
- Take a take a trip through Rock N Roll history with the Aerosmith exhibit – view memorabilia from throughout the band’s historical 40-year career
- Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” merchandise – exclusive to VIP Packages
- Commemorative Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” VIP Laminate
- Dedicated VIP Entrance
- On Site VIP Host
- This package is an upgrade only. Does not include ticket

Un american a comentat cu tristete:

Ticket prices for the East Coast swing of the Deuces Are Wild Tour are as follows:

Borgata: $399 / $349 / $199
Springfield: $499 / $400 / $249 / $149 / $89
MD: $595 / $495 / $435 / $395 / $350 / $285 / $235 / $145
(this is without any service fees or anything added)

Kramer/Hamilton/Whitford VIP Package: $849 / $899
Tyler Perry VIP Package: $1,849 / $1,899

For comparison, only 5 years ago the price for an Aerosmith floor seat was roughly $175.
Now I love the band, don't get me wrong...but if this is any indication of the prices moving forward...I think they've priced me out of the market. And I make a decent living.

Asteptam cu interes turneul aniversar de anul viitor.

Blah, blah, blah