Emma Watson, airbrushed armpits?

Thank God for image editing software, photographers must think when it comes to shooting Emma Watson.

Here's a photo of her at a party:

emma watson armpit hair

Now, here's a pic from the recent Vs. magazine photoshoot:

Vs magazine emma watson

Airbrushed armpits? We can't know for sure. Either way, someone should remind Emma shaving is... elementary, my dear Watson.

4 comentarii

  1. 26 Jan 2010 la 16:03

    referitor la Emma, joaca bine in Harry Potter, dar totusi avand in vedere k "VIRGULA" creste, parca nu mai are magia, farmecul impreuna cu Harry personaju principal, cu kre s-a consacrat, si pe masura ce mai apar serii nu mai e la fel de PUERIL, daca mai scoate aia carti cu haryy (ma refer la scriitoare) o sa fie destul de naspa

  2. 26 Jun 2011 la 05:05

    That is what a shaved armpit looks like. She has dark hair. For god's sake.

  3. 26 Jun 2011 la 14:35

    The she shouldn't shave. It don't look good, R ;)

  4. 30 May 2018 la 09:16

    It looks damn hot!

Blah, blah, blah