Clueless about what Kim Kardashian does

Kim Kardashian is an American TV personality, model and actress who is best known for starring in the E! reality TV series "Keeping Up with the Kardashians". In the entertainment news media and online, Kardashian is often cited as a prime example of a celebutante - an individual who has attained celebrity status for no particular identifiable reason.


So T-Mobile were trying to be smart or maybe Mrs. Kardashian West was tryna be funny. Anyway, the message is lost on me when it comes from a famous person.


2 comentarii

  1. 23 May 2016 la 09:00

    patroane ,,,celebritatea a dobandit-o printr-un ''procedeu'' fff clar ,,,,si daca tovarasa e model ,,,,hai ,,,,,si daca filmeaza unii secvente din viata ta ,,,nu cred ca poti sa te numesti actritza ,,,,situatia e identica si pe la noi ,,, sexul vinde ,,,succes@@@@

  2. 23 May 2016 la 09:37

    da' noi de ce nu ajungem celebri prin acelasi procedeu? hahahahahaha

Blah, blah, blah