Can't play Youtube videos in Firefox (black screen, player not loading)

If you have a problem with Firefox and have Adblock Plus running as an add-on, you might have a filter that interferes with the Youtube player. I have Firefox 3.6.28 and Adblock Plus 1.3.10.

I discovered and deleted this custom filter:


The proper solution to solve the problem is to follow these stepts:

1. Enable the Adblock (APB) button in your toolbar, if it's not there already:

In Firefox: Tools -> Adblock Plus Preferences -> Options -> check "Show in toolbar"

2. Load Youtube and try playing a video. You'll get the black/blank screen. Click the APB button in your toolbar:

Click "Report issue on this page..." -> select "Adblock Plus is blocking too much" -> Then click "Disable" next to the filter(s) that cause the problem.

Now you can reload the page and hopefully see the video!

8 comentarii

  1. 9 Apr 2012 la 08:36

    Am si eu o problema similara uneori in Chrome si NU am nici un fel de ad blocker. Pot sa aud, insa intreaga zona a playerului e neagra (can't see any controls).

  2. 9 Apr 2012 la 09:14

    Aia poate fi de la Flash Player... nu stiu ce sa zic, nu mi s-a intamplat. De fapt, trebuia sa intreb daca folosesti Flash Player sau html5:

  3. 9 Apr 2012 la 12:14


  4. 9 Apr 2012 la 15:27

    Atunci nu stiu, poate pentru ca e in faza incipienta? :D

  5. 10 Apr 2012 la 00:27

    Acum am vorbit cu cineva pe Mac care nu poate sa auda sunetul la unele clipuri pe Ytube, iar video-ul merge.

    Pe Safari e ok, deci cred ca e problema de HTML5.

  6. 10 Apr 2012 la 03:57

    Faza tare e ca nu merge daca dau refresh, dar daca copiez url-ul si ii dau paste in alt tab... merge! :))

  7. 10 Apr 2012 la 04:16

    Dar full refresh? Sau Chrome n-are CTRL+F5? :-s

  8. 10 Apr 2012 la 08:57

    Never heard of that before :))

Blah, blah, blah