Brad Whitford anunta un nou single Aerosmith

Ieri, Billboard Argentina a publicat o discutie cu Brad Whitford din care aflam o veste exceptionala: Aerosmith compune din nou! Interviul complet mai jos:

Have you been recording lately?
We actually did some recording while we were touring Europe, and we started recording a new song. We were in the studio in London.

It feels like the age of singles again. Everyone is recording singles rather than albums.
Yeah, you know, you don't have to record a whole CD anymore. So, hopefully, we can put out this one song or two or three.

Do you feel you pioneered the notion of new songs in greatest hits?
It's a little hard to get used to. The music business has changed so much since we started. You have to do things really differently. We could just release one song and make it available for download. It is a different world in the music business.

Why was this change so big? And how do you feel about the Latin boom?
I don't hear it that much. But the rhythm is undeniable and the quality of the music is superior. I don't think there's anybody that can ignore Latin rhythm!

Do you think it's possible for Aerosmith, being so roots rock 'n roll, to incorporate these kind of rhythms, or rather impossible?
I don't think it's impossible at all. I would love to try that.

Well, you did it with hip-hop in the '80s.
That's right. "Walk This Way" was very successful. And we've done some songs that were kind of almost country music. So I think we can do it.

What can you tell me of this new song you recorded in London?
This song is a musical idea of Joe Perry's. We're doing it very much like we did songs back when we started out. It's very rock 'n roll.

How's Aerosmith's health?
Hopefully, there's five more years. It's got longer. We're going to keep playing until we can't play anymore. [laughs]

Blah, blah, blah