Am primit un like de la pagina de Facebook a lui Joe Perry

Dupa ce postarea despre Klassik '78 a disparut de pe pagina lui Joe Perry, am pus si eu o intrebare. Nu am primit raspuns, dar am primit un like. Un fel de 'bravo c-ai observat' sau ceva de genul. Mai putin conteaza asta, mai important ar fi ca tricoul sa ajunga la timp.

2 comentarii

  1. 5 Jun 2018 la 00:39

    I'll write about it more (no laptop with me. just cheap crap tablet), but, in short...

    Saw them, enjoyed it a lot, it was great to let loose, just lose myself in it. was right in front of Alice with Dany, big Aero fan I met last year - I got the spots, she got my phone I lost while running. We got the two sticks Alice threw, a piece of a balloon and picks. I got 4, 2 from Joe, 2 from Tommy. All different, second one from Joe is USED and he threw it to me and so many people tried to take it, but I got it. Like Dany with the stick. I got mine easy, he thew it close and I just lifted myself on the barrier, nobody else could reach it before I had a good hold of it, but she had to fight for hers.

    I GoT TO HEAR COMBINATION!!! 1st time ever!

  2. 5 Jun 2018 la 00:41

    Supeeeeeeeeeeer tareeeeeeeeeee! \:D/

    Foarte, foarte misto! <:-P

    Mersi de recenzia la cald!

Blah, blah, blah